Thursday Blogging 3/30/2023

No Limits “LOVES” Chincoteague!
Brandon can be anything, anytime.
A beautiful day for a chilly picnic.
Kevin is our in-house photographer.
Nick, Cleve, David, Andrew and Maryann are enjoying lunch together.
Brandon, Nicole, Steve and Rachel are taking in the scenery.
Jason and Daja are enjoying the great outdoors.
CL didn’t realize just how big that chair was.
Zel and Rachel are having a lot of fun.
Nothing like a beautiful, calm bay to relax and picnic by.

A baby tug boat.
The Thinker.
“Let me tell you about my best friend” – Brandon and Kevin
The day would not be complete without Island Creamery ice cream.
Steve’s mantra, ice cream is life.
Brandon enjoys caring for Henrietta.
Zel says to take care of your spring plants, peas.
Happy Birthday Kyle!
Last Friday was Corina’s last day and Adrian’s retirement. We will miss you both, and wish you the best!!
Adrian and Cleve organizing for a project.
Adrian’s pranks will be sorely missed. Meiah got the last one.
Meeting of the minds.
A warm spring morning outside.
Who’s the new guy? Oh, wait that’s Steve! Looking great.
Brandon is feeling patriotic.

Thursday Blogging 3/23/2023

UV Resin cutting board project.
Steve, David, Maryann and Nicole are starting on their projects.
Brandon is excited for this project.
David is feeling artistic.
Cleve enjoyed picking his colors.
Nick and Brandon are ready to dry their first layer.
Drying round one.
Thank you Manna Cafe for the scrumptious meal.
Always a pleasure to visit Manna Cafe and the friendly staff. Fran and Bill are the best!
Andrew has a full belly and a smile.
Chef Boy-ar-David is preparing meatballs for this week’s cafe lunch.
Pot of tasty goodness.
Tots for days.
Maryann and Kevin are getting plates ready. Kevin is plotting to have extra meatballs.
The finished product.
Steve says there is nothing better than a meatball sub for lunch.
Yoga with Gwen is always a hit. Thank you Gwen!
Getting our yoga on.
Releasing negative energy and taking in the positive.
CL, Nicole and Steve are very relaxed during yoga.

Thursday Blogging 3/15/2023

Brandon and Kyle have recertified as Master Naturalists. Great job!
Kyle and Brandon are checking out a turtle.
Bon apetit. Thank you Manna Cafe for yet another delicious lunch.
Thumbs up all around.
David is making baked goods for a local community fundraiser.
Peach cobbler and brownies.
CL is very festive for our early St. Patrick’s Day and No Limits Anniversary celebration!!
Corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes is a traditional Irish meal.
Thank you to Liz for the delicious deviled eggs.
Everyone is Irish for St. Patrick’s Day.
There’s always room for dessert.
Zel definitely approves.
We all enjoyed the day.


Thursday Blogging 3/9/2023

Chef Boyar- David cooking for our No Limits Cafe.
Burger assembly line.
Burgers with all the fixings.
Zel is ready for his tasty burger to arrive from the grill.
Cleve and David are dropping off our homemade dog biscuits at the SPCA.
Kevin dropped off some of our homegrown catnip to the SPCA.
Happy kitties enjoying their catnip.
Our airplane plants are taking off!
The baby orange has a lime costume on.
Fruit are coming out of hiding.
David, Cleve and Maryann are enjoying a beautiful morning on the trail.
Kevin was taking pictures of different flowers along the trail.
Spring colors.
An Eastern Shore native plant along the trail.
Holiday prep for next week.

Friday Blogging 3/3/2023

Nick experiencing biscuit making for the first time.   Brandon is directing.
Cleve, Brandon, Kevin and Denise are wondering who will get their hands messy first.
Brandon enjoys working with his hands.
Steve and Nicole are making biscuits for the local primate sanctuary.
We are getting a head start on our spring garden.
Another delicious lunch at Manna Cafe. Thank you Fran and Bill!!
No Limits gives Manna Cafe multiple thumbs up.
Nick enjoyed celebrating his birthday with No Limits friends. Happy Birthday!
Nick’s cake just minutes before being devoured.