Thursday Blogging 2/23/2023

Brandon and Kevin agree that two heads are better than one.
Project of the week- collage art.
Self expression through art.
A few of our collages.
Zel and Cleveland replacing the suet cakes for the birds. Thank to Liz for the donation!
Andrew enjoying a nice massage from Thomas.
United Way Wellness with Thomas. We are glad to see you.
Nick, David, Cleveland and Michelle are getting warmed up.
Steve, Nicole and Kevin are getting their exercise on.
Just another day at No Limits with the motley crew.

Thursday Blogging 2/16/2023

Kevin and Cleve are harvesting the first crop for the local primate sanctuary.
Citrus babies are coming.
Chef Bill at Manna Cafe always prepares amazing food. Thank you!!
Brandon’s beautiful brownie.
Kevin, David, Zel and Andrew dining at Manna Cafe and loving it.
The gang is all here.
Zel is composting for the future garden season.
Brandon is wishing Henrietta a Happy Valentine’s Day with cracked corn.
Old Glory doing what she does best. Forever may she wave.

Brain Injury Awareness at the General Assembly

Members and staff of No Limits Eastern Shore Brain Injury Services traveled to the General Assembly in Richmond, Virginia, on Thursday, 2/2/23, with our message of brain injury awareness. Pictures are posted below – please click through until the end to see the impact a day like this can have on an ABI survivor in terms of neurofatigue.

Our group at the Richmond rest area.
CL, Kevin, and Brandon at a meeting with a Senator.
Meeting with Senator DeSteph from Virginia Beach.
With Senator DeSteph.
Meeting with our Senator Lynwood Lewis.
With Senator Lewis.
Walking the halls of the General assembly. We try to get to every member’s desk.
Dropping off information and samples of the dog biscuits we make for local animal shelters.
Meeting with our Delegate Rob Bloxom.
The face of neurofatigue. It is a grueling day, with a lot of travel and crowds and stimuli and it takes a lot out of our group. Thank you Kevin, CL, and Brandon for being willing to advocate despite the toll it takes.

Friday Blogging 2/3/2023

Zel and Steve are packing dog biscuits for the General Assembly.
Nick and Cleve are trimming the info sheets for the dog biscuits.
Crystal and Michelle are showing Dakota how to prep biscuits.
Michelle is ready to make dog biscuits for the local SPCA and Animal Control.
David is the mixmaster.
Kevin, Steve and Nicole are cutting biscuits.
Cleve is excited for the cheeseburger at Manna Cafe.
David, Andrew and Nick are all smiles. Let’s eat!
Maryann is showing off her big cheeseburger at Manna Cafe.
Cleve is busy making birthday cupcakes for our friends.
Happy Birthday, Michelle!
It’s your birthday, Randolph. Make a wish!