Friday Blogging June 25, 2021

Making dog biscuits for local animal shelters to start the week!
Cucumbers are growing!
Steve enjoying his morning coffee.
A Zoom shot from Virtual No Limits!
Melissa and David.
It is always great to see Mr. Randolph.
Lavender (and a pollinator bee!) from our herb garden box.
Thank you Zel for always helping out with the yard!
We are sad to see Angela go but we wish her happiness in her new home in Hampton!
There are so many bunnies this year!
Brandon bringing frozen treats to the chickens.

Friday Blogging 06/18/21

The garden gang planting a fig tree in the No Limits Pollinator Garden.
Who took a bite out of the passionflower? (just kidding, we’re so happy out native passionflowers are finally blooming!)
Our lavender is attracting loads of pollinators. Can you spot the butterfly and bee in this picture?!
We think this is a great shot of Brandon doing some “lawn detail”.
Adrian doing what he does best, helping to supervise the Health & Safety crew during morning lawn maintenance. Great job to all who helped out!
David helped
Adrian and Angela are the lawn mowing twins
Don’t fall asleep Angela!
Zel, Kyle, and Angela discussing current events.
Beautiful daylilies picked from No Limits’ front garden!

Friday Blogging June 11, 2021

Angela and Joe at the bird feeders. Angela brought us in a new hummingbird feeder.
CL the Redskins fan!
Thanks for the doughnuts CL! Steve really enjoyed coming out and having a doughnut!
No CL, that’s for the chickens! We made frozen treats to help our hens with the heat.
Melissa and David helped too!
We also washed our bingo balls in Murphy’s oil soap.
These folks helped too.
The first flower on our prickly pear cacti! Thank you so much to the late Dave Vaughn for sharing his cactus with us.
Brandon loves the prickly pear cactus!
Jason was able to join us in person, yay!
Great job Angela and David doing the monthly First Aid Kit inspection.

Friday Blogging June 4, 2021

Atta boy! Thank you Kyle for burning up our weeds!
Good to see you Steve!!
Maryann and Angela taking care of bingo.
A new pollinator popped up!
Thank you Zel for helping to fill our new Herb Trug with dirt.
Thanks to the chickens for helping clean up old flower pots too!
A selfie of Rachel and Jason!
Zel, Angela, and Adrian did an amazing job of cleaning the big van – thanks everybody!
Angela and Zel working hard.
Brandon planted some more cucumbers.
Hello bunny!
Looking good with your new haircut Joe!
Kyle and Jason