Friday Blogging

Call CL, call! Call the right ball please!
Researching as a team for our monthly garden meeting.  Amy saw the camera coming though and struck a pose ;)!
Zel showing off our cat treat samples and informational cards that will be hand delivered to Senator Lynwood Lewis, Delegate Rob Bloxom, and Governor Ralph Northam to ask for their continued support for brain injury services.
Adrian and Zel keeping us safe with a monthly First Aid Kit Inspection!  Thanks y’all!

Welcome Back Friday Blogging

We’re back! We had a long and cold break after the most recent snowstorm here on the Eastern Shore but we are happy as clams to be back!  Amy says “It’s nice to be home again!”
Brandon and Adrian having some fun while caring for our hens.  We are happy to report that they are all doing well and survived the storm just fine!
Remnants of the snow in the No Limits yard.  We think the pattern in the snow looks kind of like ripples on water.  Brandon thinks that this pattern was created from melting snow/wind.  Cool!

We hope that everyone else in snow affected areas made out safely after the storm.  As a reminder No Limits will be closed on Monday, January 15th for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Thank You Tasley Volunteer Fire Company!!

We are sending out a great big THANK YOU to the heroes from Tasley Volunteer Fire Company for coming out today in the bitter cold to rescue a little puppy. Our building is across the street from an old grader on Coastal Boulevard in Tasley.DSCF5116Adrian, our Health & Safety Coordinator, was getting our chickens straight for the coming storm and he heard the sounds of a puppy crying. Further investigation led him to find this little puppy trapped in icy standing water in some sort of washing pit at the grader.DSCF5117

She was standing on that little ice shelf to keep from drowning in the cold trash-filled water.

We made several calls but no one would help us until we called the Tasley Volunteer Fire Company. Don Amadeo, Joseph Eller and Jeff Beall came right over and rescued this little baby from her terrible predicament.DSCF5123DSCF5124

They even brought a box to put her in!


SUCCESS!! You guys are the BEST!
The wonderful volunteers from Tasley Fire Company!

There are 3 short videos of the rescue below, plus here is a picture of the little puppy safe and sound at the Eastern Shore Regional Animal Control facility, where they will find her a good home if no one claims her. They believe she is about 3 months old, probably a chihuahua mix and definitely a girl. We are so grateful to the Tasley Volunteer Fire Company volunteers for rescuing this baby from a cold miserable death at the bottom of that wet pit. You guys are terrific!!