Chickens and Eggs

At No Limits Eastern Shore we have been raising chickens for several years now. We are very grateful to the Eastern Shore of Virginia Community Foundation for their support which allowed us to upgrade our coop and provide a safe fenced yard for the laying hens to free range in.

Thank you Eastern Shore of Virginia Community Foundation!! The hens love their safe, comfortable home!

When eggs from our hens are available they are for sale ($2/dozen). Just call us at (757) 789-3990 or knock on the back door to see if we have any. All funds raised through egg sales benefit the No Limits Activity Fund.

The Delaware Hens

Our members and staff care for the hens, who live very happy lives here. They all have names, including our Naked Neck Turkens, named Lucy & Ethel during our 2017 naming contest (won by Rosanna Collier). We also have hens of the following breeds: Rhode Island Red (Henny/Penny & Red), Plymouth Barred Rock (Paschall & Mueller), White Wyandotte (Donna & Daisy), Delaware (Della & Ware), Buff Orpington (Robin), Ameraucana (Henrietta). Henrietta the Ameraucana, also known as an “Easter Egger”, lays green eggs!

Henrietta the Ameraucana (and one of the Rhode Island Reds). Below are the Naked Neck Turkens, Lucy & Ethel!